Larry Lee Klug
I'm a Multi-Talented Guy
My YouTube Channel
Visit my YouTube channel  "Specialkvi" to seesome of my work and interesting favorite videos
My LinkedIn Profile
My Facebook Page
I am sure some of you want to visit my LinkedIn profile. It may required signing up.
My Facebook page stays away from political rants and raves. You will need to login to visit my page.
My "WOW" Story
I was diagnosed with Nystagmus (rapid eye movement due to low eye muscles) and nearsightedness in both eyes when I was three years old. I began wearing glasses at age four. An Ophthalmologist told my mother that my vision would not measure up to driving and live a normal life. During my years in high school, there were three things I never thought would happen in my life:

  • Have a meaningful relationship and a family. 
  • Have a respectful job. 
  • And of course, drive.

After renewing my faith in Christ after graduating from high school, things began to fall in place. I met a very special woman in 1983 and married in 1985. We had a son in 1987. I worked 18 years at a respectable retailer, two years as tech specialist, and over 16 years in the field of Access Technology Specialist with the blind and visually impaired community. Oh yeah, I've been driving since 2003. It's amazing when you let God be a part of your life.

By the way, the word “WOW” stands for Wonderful Outstanding Work. I developed that “theme” during a  summer Technology Camp.​